
app_legacy_legacy_public Matched route

Route Parameters

Name Value

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /Public/Reference/doclibrary.php
# Route name Path Log
1 _preview_error /_error/{code}.{_format} Path does not match
2 _wdt /_wdt/{token} Path does not match
3 _profiler_home /_profiler/ Path does not match
4 _profiler_search /_profiler/search Path does not match
5 _profiler_search_bar /_profiler/search_bar Path does not match
6 _profiler_phpinfo /_profiler/phpinfo Path does not match
7 _profiler_search_results /_profiler/{token}/search/results Path does not match
8 _profiler_open_file /_profiler/open Path does not match
9 _profiler /_profiler/{token} Path does not match
10 _profiler_router /_profiler/{token}/router Path does not match
11 _profiler_exception /_profiler/{token}/exception Path does not match
12 _profiler_exception_css /_profiler/{token}/exception.css Path does not match
13 app_api_api_positionavatar /api/position/{id}/{offset}.jpg Path does not match
14 app_api_api_branchunits /api/branch/{id}/units Path does not match
15 app_api_api_unitdetails /api/unit/{id} Path does not match
16 app_api_api_unitpositions /api/unit/{id}/positions Path does not match
17 app_api_api_unitmembers /api/unit/{id}/members Path does not match
18 app_api_api_unitcodenames /api/unit/{id}/codenames Path does not match
19 app_api_api_positiondetails /api/position/{id} Path does not match
20 app_api_api_positionaccess /api/position/{id}/access Path does not match
21 app_api_api_setpageaccesskeys /api/page/{id}/set-keys Path does not match
22 app_api_api_gettime /api/cgt Path does not match
23 app_api_api_getsidemenu /api/menu Path does not match
24 app_api_api_getcgt /api/cgt/{args} Path does not match
25 app_api_api_getbranchranks /api/ranks Path does not match
26 app_api_api_updaterank /api/rank-update Path does not match
27 app_api_api_readnotification /api/notification-read Path does not match
28 app_api_api_approvalresponse /api/approval-respond Path does not match
29 app_api_api_apiuser /api/auth/user Path does not match
30 region /api/region/{id} Path does not match
31 region_nie_access /api/region/{id}/access Path does not match
32 region_oversectors /api/region/{id}/oversectors Path does not match
33 oversector /api/oversector/{id} Path does not match
34 oversector_sectors /api/oversector/{id}/sectors Path does not match
35 sector /api/sector/{id} Path does not match
36 sector_nie_access /api/sector/{id}/access Path does not match
37 sector_systems /api/sector/{id}/systems Path does not match
38 system /api/system/{id} Path does not match
39 system_nie_access /api/system/{id}/access Path does not match
40 app_api_codenameapi_save_codename /api/codename/save Path does not match
41 app_api_codenameapi_delete_codename /api/codename/delete Path does not match
42 app_api_codenameapi_codenamedetails /api/codename/{id} Path does not match
43 app_api_combineapi_combine /api/combine/login Path does not match
44 app_api_combineapi_combinespecial /api/combine/login-special Path does not match
45 app_api_combineapi_callback /api/combine/callback Path does not match
46 app_api_combineapi_logout /api/combine/logout Path does not match
47 datacard_assign_post /api/combine/datacard/assign Path does not match
48 app_api_discordapi_discord /api/discord/login Path does not match
49 app_api_discordapi_callback /api/discord/callback Path does not match
50 app_api_discordapi_logout /api/discord/logout Path does not match
51 app_api_discordapi_reload /api/discord/reloadprivs Path does not match
52 app_api_editorapi_imageupload /api/editor/image/upload Path does not match
53 app_api_editorapi_imagerotate /api/editor/image/rotate Path does not match
54 app_api_editorapi_imagesave /api/editor/image/save Path does not match
55 app_api_editorapi_flow /api/editor/flow/{keyword} Path does not match
56 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_process /api/nie/upload Path does not match
57 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadsystems /api/nie/system Path does not match
58 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadsystems_1 /api/nie/system/{sector_id} Path does not match
59 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadplanets /api/nie/planet Path does not match
60 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadplanets_1 /api/nie/planet/{system_id} Path does not match
61 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadlocationtable /api/nie/search-location Path does not match
62 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadlocationtablefiltered /api/nie/search-location-filter Path does not match
63 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadlocationcoordtable /api/nie/search-location-coord Path does not match
64 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadlocationcoordtableexternal /api/nie/search-location-coord-ext Path does not match
65 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadlocationcoordtablefilteredexternal /api/nie/search-location-coord-filter-ext Path does not match
66 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadlocationcoordtablefiltered /api/nie/search-location-coord-filter Path does not match
67 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_loadentitytable /api/nie/search-entity Path does not match
68 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_toogleintel /api/nie/toggle-intel Path does not match
69 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_tooglespecial /api/nie/toggle-special Path does not match
70 app_api_nonimperialentityapi_deleteaccess /api/nie/access/delete Path does not match
71 nie_access_region_add /api/nie/access/add-region Path does not match
72 nie_access_sector_add /api/nie/access/add-sector Path does not match
73 nie_access_system_add /api/nie/access/add-system Path does not match
74 nie_event_sec /api/nie/event-sec Path does not match
75 nie_event_sys /api/nie/event-sys Path does not match
76 nie_event_filter_sec /api/nie/event-filter-sec Path does not match
77 nie_event_filter_sys /api/nie/event-filter-sys Path does not match
78 app_api_secure_apiuser /api/v1/user Path does not match
79 app_api_secure_apiuserpositions /api/v1/user/positions Path does not match
80 app_api_secure_apipositionsearch /api/v1/positions/search Path does not match
81 app_api_secure_apiaccesscheck /api/v1/access/check/{key} Path does not match
82 app_api_secure_positiondetails /api/v1/position/{id} Path does not match
83 app_api_secure_notificationcount /api/v1/notifications Path does not match
84 app_api_secure_notificationadd /api/v1/notifications/add Path does not match
85 app_api_secure_apicodenameunits /api/v1/codenameunits Path does not match
86 app_api_sithapi_sithadd /api/sith/add Path does not match
87 app_api_sithapi_sithdelete /api/sith/delete Path does not match
88 app_api_sithapi_publicadd /api/sith/public/add Path does not match
89 app_api_sithapi_publicremove /api/sith/public/remove Path does not match
90 app_api_sithapi_aliasadd /api/sith/alias/add Path does not match
91 app_api_sithapi_aliasremove /api/sith/alias/remove Path does not match
92 app_api_sithapi_aliasupdate /api/sith/alias/update Path does not match
93 app_api_stanceapi_list /api/stance/list Path does not match
94 app_api_stanceapi_delete /api/stance/delete/{id} Path does not match
95 app_api_stanceapi_update /api/stance/update/{id}/{value} Path does not match
96 app_api_stanceapi_new /api/stance/new Path does not match
97 app_api_structureapi_save_access /api/structure/save-access Path does not match
98 app_api_structureapi_save_position /api/structure/save-position Path does not match
99 app_api_structureapi_save_unit /api/structure/save-unit Path does not match
100 app_api_structureapi_delete_unit /api/structure/delete-unit Path does not match
101 app_api_structureapi_delete_position /api/structure/delete-position Path does not match
102 app_api_userapi_merits /api/user/merits Path does not match
103 app_api_userapi_militaryid /api/user/military-id Path does not match
104 app_api_userapi_position_add /api/user/position/add Path does not match
105 app_api_userapi_position_delete /api/user/position/delete Path does not match
106 app_api_userapi_rank_add /api/user/rank/add Path does not match
107 app_api_userapi_rank_promote /api/user/rank/promote Path does not match
108 app_api_userapi_rank_demote /api/user/rank/demote Path does not match
109 app_api_userapi_rank_primary /api/user/rank/primary Path does not match
110 app_api_userapi_rank_delete /api/user/rank/delete Path does not match
111 app_api_userapi_note_add /api/user/note/add Path does not match
112 app_api_userapi_note_delete /api/user/note/delete Path does not match
113 app_api_userapi_qual_add /api/user/qualification/add Path does not match
114 app_api_userapi_qual_set_level /api/user/qualification/set-level Path does not match
115 app_api_userapi_qual_add_attach /api/user/qualification/add-attach Path does not match
116 app_api_userapi_qual_del_attach /api/user/qualification/del-attach Path does not match
117 app_api_userapi_qual_set_primary /api/user/qualification/set-primary Path does not match
118 app_api_userapi_qual_remove /api/user/qualification/remove Path does not match
119 app_ing_content_displaypage /ing/{category}/{page} Path does not match
120 ing /ing/{category}/{page} Path does not match
121 app_ing_main_main / Path does not match
122 login /login Path does not match
123 app_ing_main_logout /logout Path does not match
124 lostpass /lostpass Path does not match
125 app_ing_main_lostpass_post /lostpass Path does not match
126 app_ing_main_lostpass2 /lostpass/{token}/{id}/{signature} Path does not match
127 app_ing_main_lostpass2_post /lostpass/{token}/{id}/{signature} Path does not match
128 ins.archive /iis/{page}/{type} Path does not match
129 ins.article /iis/arcticle/{article} Path does not match
130 app_ing_pages_relations /p/relations Path does not match
131 app_ing_pages_awards /p/awards Path does not match
132 app_ing_pages_warrants /p/warrants Path does not match
133 app_ing_pages_blacklist /p/blacklist Path does not match
134 app_ing_pages_library /p/library Path does not match
135 app_ing_pages_library_document /p/library/{ref} Path does not match
136 admin_tasks /irms/admin/tasks Path does not match
137 admin_tasks_post /irms/admin/tasks Path does not match
138 admin_ranks /irms/admin/ranks Path does not match
139 bulk_award /irms/awards/bulk Path does not match
140 bulk_award_post /irms/awards/bulk Path does not match
141 blacklist /irms/blacklist Path does not match
142 blacklist_post /irms/blacklist Path does not match
143 app_irms_codename_codenames /irms/codenames Path does not match
144 app_irms_datacard_datacards /irms/datacards Path does not match
145 app_irms_datacard_datacardspost /irms/datacards Path does not match
146 app_irms_datacard_datacardrequest /irms/datacards/request Path does not match
147 app_irms_datacard_datacardrequestpost /irms/datacards/request Path does not match
148 app_irms_discord_discord /irms/discord Path does not match
149 app_irms_discord_discordpost /irms/discord Path does not match
150 app_irms_imm_imm /irms/imm Path does not match
151 imm_post /irms/imm Path does not match
152 irms /irms Path does not match
153 app_irms_irms_menu /irms/menu Path does not match
154 app_irms_irms_content /irms/content Path does not match
155 app_irms_irms_content_post /irms/content Path does not match
156 app_irms_irms_relations /irms/relations Path does not match
157 app_irms_irms_structure /irms/structure Path does not match
158 app_irms_irms_units /irms/units Path does not match
159 app_irms_irms_unitsaddmember /irms/units/addMember Path does not match
160 app_irms_irms_unitsaddmember_post /irms/units/addMember Path does not match
161 app_irms_irms_adminevents /irms/adminevents Path does not match
162 app_irms_irms_library /irms/library Path does not match
163 app_irms_irms_forum /irms/forum Path does not match
164 app_irms_irms_adminresetpassword /irms/adminresetpassword~{id} Path does not match
165 notifications /irms/notifications Path does not match
166 approvals /irms/approvals Path does not match
167 app_irms_ironwill_ironwill /irms/ironwill Path does not match
168 app_irms_ironwill_ironwillpost /irms/ironwill Path does not match
169 locks /irms/locks Path does not match
170 locksadd /irms/locks/add Path does not match
171 /irms/locks/add Path does not match
172 /irms/locks Path does not match
173 meetings /irms/meetings Path does not match
174 app_irms_meeting_createmeeting /irms/meetings/create~{templateId} Path does not match
175 /irms/meetings Path does not match
176 meeting /irms/meetings~{id} Path does not match
177 news_add /irms/news/add Path does not match
178 news_add_post /irms/news/add Path does not match
179 app_irms_nie_upload_scan /irms/nie/upload Path does not match
180 app_irms_nie_nie_dashboard /irms/nie/dashboard Path does not match
181 app_irms_nie_nie_events /irms/nie/events Path does not match
182 app_irms_nie_nie_access /irms/nie/access Path does not match
183 nie_dash_region /irms/nie/dashboard~{region} Path does not match
184 nie_location_search /irms/nie/location/search Path does not match
185 nie_location_search_external /irms/nie/location/search-external Path does not match
186 nie_entity_search /irms/nie/entity/search Path does not match
187 nie_logs /irms/nie/logs Path does not match
188 profile /irms/profile~{member}/{page} Path does not match
189 profile_saveskills /irms/profile~{member}/skills/{page} Path does not match
190 profile_saveforceskills /irms/profile~{member}/forceskills/{page} Path does not match
191 profile_discord_reload /irms/profile~{member}/discord-reload/{page} Path does not match
192 profile_discord_remove /irms/profile~{member}/discord-remove/{page} Path does not match
193 register /irms/register Path does not match
194 app_irms_registration_registerpost /irms/register Path does not match
195 search /irms/search Path does not match
196 search_post /irms/search Path does not match
197 settings /irms/settings Path does not match
198 /irms/settings Path does not match
199 sith_manage /irms/sith/manage Path does not match
200 app_irms_warrants_warrants /irms/warrants Path does not match
201 app_irms_warrants_warrantspost /irms/warrants Path does not match
202 app_legacy_legacy_doclib /Public/Reference/showdocument.php Path does not match
203 app_legacy_legacy_gejs /gejs.php Path does not match
204 app_legacy_legacy_public /Public/{path} Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.